Welcome to the Number 16 Dental Hygienists Study Club page!
We are delighted to announce that the first Number 16 Dental Hygienist Study Club (2015-16) is now underway!
We’re rapidly approaching the final session of the No16 Dental Hygienists Study Club for this season – what are we all going to do on a wednesday night instead!? The papers for the next session were sent by email to the group on Monday 4th April – so check your inboxes – please let us know if you haven’t received them. Just 2 new papers this month.
Our last session for this season is on Wednesday 20th April, starting at 7.30pm, at the usual venue.
This month, the topic will be “Dentine Hypersensitivity”
Our session leaders will be Dr. Rachel Doody and Dr. Barry Dace.
There should be time for a case on this next session (a nice complicated one this time I think!), and Rachel & I will be around to discuss things with you all on the night. Again, we’ll have coffee ready in the room on arrival (from 7.00pm), rather than breaking at 8.30pm.
We look forward to seeing you there on Wednesday 20th April!
The papers for next month’s (9.3.16) Dental Hygiene Study Club session 6 have been sent out by email today. Check your inboxes for the two papers for this month. Nothing too taxing this month. Session title will be ‘Gingival Recession – assessment and treatment’. Should be good! See you all in the usual place at the usual time on Wednesday 9th March!
Our next session is on Wednesday 17th February, starting at 7.30pm, at the usual venue (Talbot Hotel Stillorgan – formerly the Stillorgan Park Hotel).
This month, the topic is “Paediatric Dentistry and the hygienist – A vital relationship”.
Our session leader will be Dr. Margaret Tuite (Paediatric Dentist, Mount Merrion, Dublin).
The 3 papers for this session have just been e-mailed to all the study club delegates this morning – so don’t forget to check your inboxes!
We hope that there will be time for group work on this next session, and Margaret, Rachel, and I will be around to discuss things with you all on the night. Again, we’ll have coffee ready in the room on arrival (from 7.00pm), rather than breaking at 8.30pm.
We look forward to seeing you there on Wednesday 17th February!
Our next session is on Wednesday 20th January, starting at 7.30pm, at the usual venue (Talbot Hotel Stillorgan).
This month, the topic is “Maintaining Simple and Complex restorations”. This week’s papers (only 2 you’ll be glad to know!) will be with you by Tuesday 12th – so keep an eye on your inbox!
Our session leader will be Dr. Rebecca Carville (Prosthodontist).
Rebecca will discuss the types of restorations that we encounter in our patients, and the maintenance of each from both a patient and hygienists perspective. This will likely include information about implants, fixed and removable prostheses, and simple restorations.
We hope that there will be time for group work on this next session, and Rebecca, Rachel, and I will be around to discuss things with you all on the night. Again, we’ll have coffee ready in the room on arrival (from 7.00pm), rather than breaking at 8.30pm. Each session, we always seem to find that we have lots to discuss and that we run out of time! We rarely get time to discuss the papers. So, hopefully, we’ll get a long awaited opportunity to briefly discuss the one of the most important papers from session1:
Carranza chapter 1 – Specifically, we’ll discuss the ‘hierarchy of evidence’ (this material is the basis of understanding all the papers that follow, so it’s probably worthwhile to read over it, and we might discuss it on the night)
Last time there were some parking issues at the hotel. Hopefully, this month, the hotel may be a little quieter, but maybe leave plenty of time for traveling if you can, and we’ll have coffee and tea for you when you arrive (from 7pm).
We look forward to seeing you there on Wednesday 20th January!
Folks, the papers for the next session of our Number 16 Dental Hygiene Study Club should have reached your inbox today. Let us know if they haven’t! Please note that there are just 2 new papers this month
– LA Pharmacology and Toxicity
– LA Technical Considerations
Our next session is on Wednesday 25th November, starting at 7.30pm, at the usual venue (Talbot Hotel Stillorgan – formerly the Stillorgan Park Hotel).
This month, the topic is “Local Anaesthetic Techniques for the Dental Hygienist”.
Our session leader will be Dr. Naomi Rahman (Oral Surgeon).
Naomi will discuss LA techniques, but has also promised to cover the latest guidelines for the use of Antibiotic Cover.
We hope that there will be more time for group work on this next session, and Naomi, Rachel, and I will be around to discuss things with you all on the night. This time, we’ll have coffee ready in the room on arrival (from 7.00pm), rather than breaking at 8.30pm. We’ll also cover a clinical case (like on the first night), and we’ll also take the opportunity to briefly discuss the following papers from sessions 1& 2:
Carranza chapter 1 – Specifically, we’ll discuss the ‘hierarchy of evidence’
Albandar Smoking – Scribble down 2 or 3 of the main findings if you can
I’ve enclosed these papers again on today’s email, just in case you may have misplaced them from the previous sessions!
Last time there were some parking issues at the hotel, and we know that, this month, the hotel may be quite busy again, so leave plenty of time for traveling if you can, and we’ll have coffee and tea for you when you arrive this time (from 7pm).
We look forward to seeing you there on Wednesday 25th November!
Barry & Rachel
12th October 2015
The 2nd session of the Number16 Dental Hygiene Study Club is fast approaching (Wednesday 21st October, 7.30pm)
The reading list has been sent by email just now – check your inbox (or junk folder if its not there). There are 5 papers this month. One paper is more for reference (Advanced probing techniques) and probably won’t be discussed much on the night. There are two on diabetes, and one on smoking (these will be discussed). The last is a guideline paper from the AAP, and is very helpful for what to manage and what to refer.
Lastly, if we get time, we might look briefly at one from last time that we couldn’t cover – CARRANZA CHAPTER 1 – you already have this in your handbook from last time, and it is an excellent text on the type of evidence that makes for sound judgements in clinical practice – A worthwhile read for us ahead of the year’s sessions.
We look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday 21st October!
8th October 2015
So now to the next session, where the topics will include the dental effects of smoking & cessation, and the dental implications of diabetes. Papers and materials will be sent out by email to delegates during the week of 12th-16th October, ahead of the next session (Wednesday 21st October 2015, at 7.30pm). A note will also go up on our Facebook page when the papers have been emailed. Check your inboxes then!
30th September 2015
Wow, what a turnout for the first session of the Number16 Dental Hygiene Study Club. Would you have believed that we’d be full to capacity in the conference room, extra chairs crammed in to every possible space!? What a wonderful night – it was great to get settled in to the format, and just so encouraging to see everyone get so involved with the group session. The objective was to make this a fun series of events – and we are just thrilled that everyone got on board and participated so much – what an extrovert group! The evening included a lecture based component (Diagnosis and Prognosis) followed by a clinical case review and treatment planning session. We didn’t even get time to get to much of our literature review section! – we’ll keep that for another session.
21st September 2015
Its just over a week until the first session of the Number16 Dental Hygiene Study Club! All those registered should have received their reading list by email late last week – check your inboxes! If you haven’t received the reading list for next week, then email us at [email protected]
There should be two emails, one with the recommended reading, and one with the additional reading. Please make sure that you read the recommended articles, as this WILL be discussed on the evening – and you never know who the hand of fate will pick to present one!!!!! The additional reading is there for your interest – if you’re so inclined….. See you next week at the Stillorgan Park Hotel (now the Talbot Hotel Stillorgan) for sign on from 7.15 – 7.30pm on Wednesday 30th September! Now, back to that all that preparation!….
July 2015
We have now finalised the first (long-awaited!) Number16 Study Club exclusively for Dental Hygienists. We are accepting registration using the downloadable form below. Registration opens on 31st July 2015 and will be closed when the capacity is reached – so call or email us to reserve your place – see below for details.
The Study Club will run from September 2015-Spring 2016, and will be based around discussion of a range of contemporary topics in the field of Periodontics and general dental care / patient management. The goal is to provide a structured postgraduate training programme for Dental Hygienists with an interest in developing their clinical skills. The course will also include a literature and evidence based dentistry component where participants may contribute to the discussion and analysis of peer reviewed literature. The cost for the full series of study club sessions is €120. Participants are required to hold registration with the Irish Dental Council as a Dental Hygienist.